Christmas Assistance Drawing

The My Brother's Keeper Christmas Drawing is now closed. Our Christmas Assistance Line will open in December (508-238-2562).

It is a very, very busy number because so many local families are in need. Know that we work hard to answer as many calls as possible in order to help as many families as possible.

We will keep you in our prayers that you get the help your family needs either from My Brother’s Keeper or some other good organization.

    My Brother’s Keeper serves 3,000 families each Christmas but more than 10,000 families reach out for help. This makes our Christmas Assistance phone number very busy. To help save time and cell phone minutes, My Brother’s Keeper conducts a Christmas Assistance Drawing each year.

    How it works:

    • Families who live in our service area are eligible to register for the drawing.

    • Once a week, families will be chosen at random.

    • Randomly-selected families will receive an email with a link to schedule a convenient phone appointment.

    • My Brother's Keeper staff and volunteers will call the randomly-selected families by appointment.

    Additional Information:

    • Completing the online form enters your family in the Christmas Assistance Drawing only. It is not a commitment from My Brother's Keeper to provide Christmas help.

    • One entry per family allowed. Duplicate entries will be deleted.

    • Registrations not selected will automatically roll over to the next drawing.

    • In addition to the drawings, we will have regularly scheduled call-in periods in December as in past years.

    Step 1: Service Area Check

    Service Area

    Our Christmas Assistance Program serves families in need in Southeastern Massachusetts, roughly from Chelsea / Everett / Revere south to Fall River / New Bedford / Cape Cod. We do not serve the Metro West / Worcester area. If your town is not in the selection below, you do not live in a community we regularly serve for Christmas. If you feel we have made a mistake about serving your town, you can email us at

    What is your city or town?

    Step 2: Register

    Step 3: Family Members

    Must be living in your home

    First Name

    Last Name

    Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)









    By submitting this form, you agree to receive email, text, and phone communications from My Brother's Keeper regarding Christmas Assistance.