October 14, 2019


Gospel LK 11:29-32
While still more people gathered in the crowd, Jesus said to them,
“This generation is an evil generation;
it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it,
except the sign of Jonah.
Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites,
so will the Son of Man be to this generation.
At the judgment
the queen of the south will rise with the men of this generation
and she will condemn them,
because she came from the ends of the earth
to hear the wisdom of Solomon,
and there is something greater than Solomon here.
At the judgment the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation
and condemn it,
because at the preaching of Jonah they repented,
and there is something greater than Jonah here.”
While still more people gathered in the crowd, Jesus said to them,
“This generation is an evil generation;
it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it,
except the sign of Jonah……”
Jesus came to bring Heaven on earth, and the people of His generation were acting like children facing off in the school yard screaming, “Prove it! Prove it!”
“Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites,
so will the Son of Man be to this generation……”
The metaphor in the Old Testament tells the story of Jonah being in the belly of a whale for three days. After being spit up, Jonah called for the people of the sinful city of Nineveh to repent of their sins. They listened and obeyed and were saved.
In quoting “Jonah” Jesus is telling the people of His day that the only “sign” He will give them is that He will be in the belly of the earth for three days and will then rise again.
“At the judgment the queen of the south will rise with the
men of this generation and she will condemn them,
because she came from the ends of the earth
to hear the wisdom of Solomon,and there is something
greater than Solomon here.”
Solomon asked for the gift of wisdom so he could be a wise ruler for his people. Jesus Christ was the very source of wisdom, yet those He came to save mocked and rejected Him.
The message of Jesus’ life was simple and clear: If we love God and love one another, many of the troubles in our lives and of the world will disappear.
Our “sign” of the truth of Christ’s message is the peace of heart and mind that comes from spreading the love of God through our words and deeds.
“Helping others opens one’s heart and brings peace of mind. Perform a kind act for someone every day).”  Unknown